Ella Minnow Pea (2002) is set on the fictional island of Nollopton in one year from July to November. Nevin Nollop has just used all of the letters in the English alphabet to make a sentence: Thequick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Villagers on the island write letters to each other as a form of communication—instead of phone calls. Through these letters, a young girl, Ella Minnow Pea, and her family—learn that Nevin Nollop is a hero for using all the letters of the alphabet to make a sentence. He will have a statue erected in his honour after his death. When he dies, his statue has his famous sentence displayed for all to see. One day a letter from the sentence drops off. The villagers take this as a bad omen. A rule of the island is that the letter that drops off the statue cannot be used ever again, in writing, or in speech. To break the bad omen, the villagers need to create a new sentence—a new pangram with all ...