In 365 days a year, there are 8,760 hours. The average amount of sunshine hours varies across the globe. Here are some comparisons (and surprises):
492 = Anchorage, Alaska
852 = Honolulu, Hawaii
948 = Fresno, California
1,176 = Acapulco, Mexico
1,600 = Cornwall, United Kingdom
1,813 = Royston, United Kingdom
2,000 = Bordeaux, France
2,400 = Nelson, New Zealand
2,408 = Kampala, Uganda
2,500 = Estevan, Canada
2,555 = Sunshine Coast, Australia
2,800 = Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
3,000 = Athens, Greece
3,082 = Darwin, Australia
3,451 = Cairo, Egypt
3,664 = Khartoum, Sudan
4,055 = Death Valley, California
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