Morgan and Banks, a worldwide employment agency, conducted a survey of what Australian employees and also management staff wanted from work.
Employees listed the following:
1. Full appreciation for work done
2. Feeling in on things
3. Sympathetic understanding of personal problems
4. Job security
5. Good wages
6. Interesting work
7. Promotion and growth
8. Management loyalty
9. Good working conditions
10. Tactful disciplining
Management listed the following conditions at work:
1. Good wages
2. Job security
3. Promotion and growth
4. Good working conditions
5. Interesting work
6. Management loyalty
7. Tactful disciplining
8. Full appreciation for work done
9. Sympathetic understanding of personal problems
10. Feeling in on things
Morgan and Banks also surveyed approximately 2,000 Australian employees to discover the following stress factors in the workplace:
1. Mergers and acquisitions
2. Starting a new job
3. Retention/people issues
4. Firing an employee
5. Strike action/losing your job
6. End of financial year/working to a budget
7. Deadlines
8. Emails/telephones
9. Performance review/new technology
10. Meetings
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