Happy Little Vegemites: OECD rates Australia number one for good living in 2013 – for the third year in a row
For the third consecutive year, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has rated Australia top of their Better Life Index. The top three nations include Sweden and Canada. The OECD says there is no such thing as an absolute number one because all criteria are treated equally and people have their own opinions about what matters most to them. Each year OECD ranks 34 developed nations (members of OECD) on 11 criteria for “good living.” Each criteria, such health, work-life balance, civic engagement, natural environment, urban air pollution, and education, is given equal weighting. Each criterion is marked out of a maximum of 10 points. When all points are added, Australia comes top of the ranking. Australia rates first in civic engagement. More than 70% of Australians trust their political institutions and about 93% vote (the highest proportion in the OECD). This is higher than Canada which also has compulsory voting. Not only do Australian...