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The Periodic Table by Primo Levi: book review

The PeriodicTable (1975, this edition 2010) is part autobiographical and part short stories based around the periodic table in chemistry. The Royal Institution of Great Britain called it the best science book ever written.

There are 21 elements of the Mendeleev periodic table, from argon to carbon, ordered on the basis of their atomic number, electrons, and chemical properties. Levi (1919 to his suspected suicide in 1987) pens each of the 21 stories around his life, from schooling to university to his work as a chemist, the Fascist regime to his year in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and from an industrial chemist to an author.

Born in Turin, as an Italian-Jew, Levi commences his book with Argon, at 16 years old, describing his ancestry. Levi picks up pace in the second chapter, Hydrogen, in which he, and his friend Enrico, study chemistry – and are fascinated with red-hot tubes of glass and the electrolysis of water (a chemical compound with two hydrogen atoms). In Zinc, Levi is at university preparing zinc sulphate. Here he begins to be intrigued by women, namely Rita “thin, pale and sad.” By Iron, he is conducting a qualitative analysis of iron at 21 years of age with his friend Sandro, the first man to be killed fighting in the Resistance in April 1944 when captured by the Fascists.

In the chapter, Potassium, Levi learns that a half-pea size of potassium “in contact with water, it not only developes hydrogen but also ignites.” In Nickel he gains his degree in chemistry in July 1941, and begins working on quantitative analyses of rocks. Now his theoretical knowledge of chemistry – “a bookish dogma” – comes alive with practical usefulness. This time the girl in the laboratory is Alida. Two tales on Lead and Mercury were written when Levi was younger and are included here before Phosporus. Now it is June 1942 and Levi moves to Milan to work in another chemistry lab with “cornflowers, phosporus and rabbits.” He had never touched an animal before, except for a country cat. Here he really likes his colleague Giulia.

In the middle of the book is Gold, the period of imprisonment at Auschwitz from December 13, 1943 when Fascists surrounded eleven workers; eight escaped and three were captured: Aldo, Guido, and Primo. He was incarcerated in a cell until they found out that he was a scientist. Gold refers to the rich Dora water basin where it joins the Po River at Turin.

In the chapter, Cerium, my favourite, is the mysterious discovery of lighter flint. He steals 40 rods, each worth a loaf of bread (the equivalent of “one day of life”). By 1945, and free, Chromium describes his life as an unoccupied chemist when he started writing – first poetry, then a book [If this is a Man published in 1947, called Survival at Auschwitz in the USA, published in 1958]. He is offered a job analyzing chromate and alkyd resin in anti-rust paint when he meets a woman, “not for one meeting but for life” – Lucia.

Sulfur is about Lanza and the furnace, whereas Titanium – one of the best chapters – explores Levi’s every day life. Other great chapters include Arsenic (the tale of a cobbler who comes to the chemistry lab requesting an analysis of some sugar), and Nitrogen in which another customer, a lipstick manufacturer trying to replicate “an excellent French product” requests assistance in remedying the “bleeding/running” of his lipstick. The answer is nitrogen (bird and reptile excrement) found in alloxan. Tin is about the laboratory in Levi’s friend’s home, while Uranium is when he becomes a Customer Service representative to increase business – and is asked to analyze a sample the customer maintains is uranium, but isn’t. Silver is the 25th anniversary of his graduation from college in 1966 – the silver wedding to chemistry. In Vanadium Levi tracks down a German chemist and a sample of vanadium naphthenate. Carbon, the last chapter, is the history of the carbon atom.

Although Levi covers religious, political, and scientific issues, The Periodic Table has light and shade, comedy and tragedy, love and loss, and everything in between. It is not a macabre, negative depressing read. Far from it! It was science and chemistry that saved him in Auschwitz – as well as his youthful strength, his knowledge of the German language, his sense of humility, and his humour.

Levi has a beautiful and elegant prose style with its strength in character descriptions. His sense of observation is magnificent and highly detailed. Chronologically the novel flows nicely. The first and last chapters are the weakest links, but all else is brilliant. I think the Royal Institution of Great Britain is right.


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