Health professionals across France display their artworks at the annual exhibition in Paris. Members of the Association of Artists of Health Professions in France – de l‘Association des artistes des professions de santé (AAPS) – are exhibiting their art in the Town Hall of the 6tharrondissement in Paris.
The exhibition “Horizons” from 9 October to 6 November 2024 brings together about 50 painters, sculptors, and photographers who are part of the French ‘world of health.’
The Association of Artists of Health Professions organizes an annual group exhibition to present the artistic works of its members to the public. Their artworks include figurative and abstract works using a variety of techniques: paintings, drawings, pastels, engravings, monotypes, inks, water colours, bronze, resin and metal sculptures, and photographs.
Artist: Gerard Journo |
Artist: Valerie Chassignolle |
Artist: Charaka Rapti Cloarec |
Artist: Caroline Jardin |
Artist: Soare Delia |
Artist: Evelyne Boumendil |
Artist: Danielle Bearzatto |
Artist: Valerie Chassignolle |
Artist: Cristina Demian |
Artist: Francois Mayu |
Artist: Agnes Brouard |
Artist: Marie-France Boucheron |
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Martina Nicolls is an Australian author and international human rights-based consultant in education, healing and wellbeing, peace and stabilization, and foreign aid audits and evaluations. She lives in Paris.
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