Scenes from the ninth installment in the Star War movie series were shot in Wadi Rum in Jordan recently. The Jordanian Royal Film Commission (RFC) agreed with American J.J. Abrams, the ‘Star Wars Episode IX’ director and executive producer, who said Wadi Rum is ‘breathtakingly beautiful and the perfect location for our film.’ Abrams said he felt fortunate to have been able to film in Jordan. ‘Between the warm welcome from the government and the dedication and hard work of the local film professionals, we couldn’t have had a better experience. We are enormously grateful.’ The ‘Star Wars Episode IX’ film benefitted from the Jordanian Film Incentive Programme, which provides cash rebates for films shot in the Kingdom. It was a three-week shoot and the production team worked with more than 250 Jordanian crews, including camera, costume, creatures, special effects, and stunts. The Jordanian Armed Forces-Arab Army also provided logistical support. ‘The unique, tim...