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I'll read this later: procrastination and impulse can be blamed on ...

Procrastinators put off doing things – or do something else instead – or think the task through thoroughly before doing it. They can’t do the painting because they are doing the gardening, or they’ll write the report after they have washed the dishes. Or they’ll wash the dishes after they have played with the children. Impulsive people will act on the spur of the minute, without too much thought. They’ll buy things on impulse, or go on holidays on impulse, or move the furniture in their apartment on impulse. Procrastination and impulsiveness appear to be opposite ends of a continuum of personality traits. But maybe not …

Research indicates that procrastination is an evolved trait in humankind. It seems that when humans lived in caves, hunting and gathering were the first priorities and anything after that they could ponder for ages. Impulsiveness too is an evolved trait, say the researchers. Again, from our cave days, acting on impulsive was more likely to ensure that the family was fed and that the population grew, instead of carefully thinking about what the future would look like (Canberra Times, April 21, 2014). In addition, researchers maintain that procrastination and impulsiveness co-exist side-by-side.

A team of psychologists, neuroscientists, and geneticists from the University of Colorado in America conducted a study, published in the journal, Psychological Science, to determine how much the tendency to procrastinate was linked to genetic inheritance, and whether procrastination and impulsiveness were derived from the same genetic origins.

From the study, researchers noted that procrastinators were likely to be impulsive people, and impulsive people were highly likely to be procrastinators. This suggested that these once-adaptive traits must be genetic. So the team of researchers looked at twins and their similarities and differences, and inferred the degree to which their shared and not-shared traits were the result of shared DNA – because twins have common genes.

Identical twins come from a single embryo created by one egg and one sperm – so it is thought that they share all of their DNA. Fraternal twins come from two separate embryos, from two distinct sets of eggs and sperm – however, there is some overlap in their genes. If behaviour traits are shared then statistically the trait comes from the genetic code. If they are different, then environment or experiences or other factors may play a part in the development of a behaviour trait.

Researchers studied the behavioural tendencies of 347 same-sex twin pairs – 181 of them identical or “monozygotic” twins and 166 fraternal or “dizygotic” twins. The average age of the twins was 22 years, and all had been recruited to participate in an ongoing twin study in Colorado, says the article.

The twins completed an online assessment (a rating scale) of their reliance on deadlines, their tendency toward neglecting their goals, avoidance of activities, their inclination to speak before thinking, to resist temptation, whether they did things on the spur of the moment, whether they forgot to do tasks, failed to notice signs, and whether they left chores unfinished.

The researchers found that, in a broad population of people, genetic inheritance significantly influenced whether the average person would be a procrastinator, accounting for 46% of cases. Genetic inheritance was even stronger for impulsiveness, accounting for 49% of cases. The genetic correlation (link) between procrastination and impulsiveness was 100%. Where there was procrastination there was impulsiveness! It also meant that where a person is a procrastinator but not impulsive, or vice versa, only an environmental difference could explain the mismatch.

Researchers also found that impulsive people were more likely to resist the urge to procrastinate if they had a specific future goal – such as finishing their studies. So procrastination and impulsiveness go hand-in-hand. And one way to beat procrastination is to have a goal, or two. Goals = less time procrastinating.


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