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Radical Hope - art exhibition in Tbilisi, Georgia


The National Gallery in Tbilisi, Georgia, is hosting the exhibition of the Bialystok’s Arsenal Gallery Collection II in Poland, curated by Monika Szewczyk, from 2-12 June 2022, called ‘Radical Hope.’ 


The collection represents not only works from Polish artists over the last 30 years, but also artists of central Europe. The concept of the collection is based on multi-threaded narratives describing the reality in which we live. 


The exhibition is inspired by the 2008 Jonathan Lear book called ’Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation’ in which Piotr Nowak, in the Polish version, says in the introduction that the book answers three questions: ‘1) how to live in a world that has suddenly lost any meaning, 2) whether there is still hope in such a world, and if so, 3) in what language can you try to express it.’


The heroes of the book, the tribe of Ravens and Crows, experience a cultural apocalypse. ‘When the buffalo went away, the hearts of my people fell to the ground and they could not lift them up again. After this, nothing else happened,’ says Plenty Coups (Many Advantages), the leader of the Crow Nation. However, the Raven’s chief decides it is better not to have fixed boundaries that would be defended regardless of consequences, but  to adapt to the new world to survive. 


Can the present situation be compared to the devastation in the book Radical Hope? The feeling of disorientation, the feeling of ‘the end of times,’ the feeling of unpredicatable undefined uncertainty, and what is yet to come. From Lear’s inspiration, to get out of an existential impasse, we need a guide who will see a new meaning, a new field of possibilities in the future. Can art play such a role? Can artists, while commenting on reality, anticipate solutions that do not exist yet?

Marina Naprushkina - Belarus: Your fear ... (2020)

Nikita Kadan - Ukraine: The chronicle series (2016)

Zhanna Kadyrova - Ukraine: Shots (2010-2014)

Sergey Shabohin - Belarus/Poland: The practices of subordination (2016)

Sergey Shabohin - Belarus/Poland: The practices of subordination (2016)

Robert Rumas - Poland: Demosutra (1994-2004)

R.E.P. - Ukraine: Patriotism (2007)

David Chichkan - Ukraine: Crossing the borders 2 (Ukraine-Poland) (2017)

Malgorzata Mirga-Tas - Poland: Open Your Eyes (2020)

Malgorzata Mirga-Tas - Poland: Open Your Eyes (2020)

Piotr Wysocki - Poland: The Cross (2011)

Viktor Marushchenko - Ukraine: Donbas - the land of dreams (2001)

Viktor Marushchenko - Ukraine: Donbas - the land of dreams (2001)

Oskar Dawicki - Poland: The fruit of fear, the vegetable of peace (2006)

Zbigniew Libera - Poland: The finał liberation (1 and 2) (2004)

Katarzyna Kozyra- Poland: Krzysztof Czerwiński II (2001)

Mykola Ridnyi - Ukraine: Blind Spot (2014-2015)

Babi Badalov - Azerbaijan/France: Why I Speak English? (2011)

Babi Badalov - Azerbaijan/France: Why I Speak English? (2011)










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MARTINA NICOLLS  is an international human rights-based consultant in education, healing and wellbeing, peace and stabilization, foreign aid audits and evaluations, and the author  of: The Paris Residences of James Joyce  (2020), Similar But Different in the Animal Kingdom (2017), The Shortness of Life: A Mongolian Lament (2015), Liberia’s Deadest Ends (2012), Bardot’s Comet (2011), Kashmir on a Knife-Edge (2010) and The Sudan Curse (2009).



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